What we do

Plastic raw materials

HYDRO DIFUSIÓN SL. sells all kinds of plastic raw materials for the plastic processing industry to South America and Europe. Our prestigious raw material partners allow us to offer the best product available on the market for each product of thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers.

We offer our customers various polymers such as: polyamides, polypropylene, polyethylene, polystyrene, PVC, polycarbonate, acetal copolymer and acrylonitrile- butadiene-styrene (ABS), among others.

Our growth in this area is based on the quality of the products we sell, but also on the dedication and professionalism of a great team that has taken HYDRO DIFUSIÓN SL beyond its own borders, commercialising today around 25.000tn/year and moving more than 1.000 containers annually around the world.

Engineering projects

HYDRO DIFUSION INGENIERING offers very competitive mould production solutions in the world market due to its investment strategy in the latest technologies and continuous training of its staff

We work in constant collaboration and communication with our customers to ensure quality, efficiency and accurate delivery times which guarantee the total success of your moulds and projects.

More than 20 years of experience in the market and satisfied customers certify our company as a benchmark in the production of moulds. Thanks to its technological skills and research projects HYDRO DIFUSION INGENIERING has developed a know-how which now actively transfers to all its customers in order to be able to offer complete and high quality solutions.


C/ Albert Einstein ,42
08223 Terrassa, Barcelona (Spain)

(+34) 931 406 833
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